Dresden Year 73

Posted by T on February 13, 2018

On this day we should all pause and remember the deliberate destruction of Dresden 73 years ago.

Today I want to direct attention briefly to how the Lugenpress continues to spin things. Take a look at this short article from AP.  Six “neo-nazis” were beaten up by fifteen masked antifas in Dresden.

  • How do they know the six were neo-nazis? What does this word even denote precisely? There is no indication.
  • Note how they demonize the six by designating them as “neo-nazis” in every single mention, including the headline itself. They are not Germans that happen to hold this or that view, but neo-nazi is simply what they are.
  • The rally was by “far-right” extremists. But the attacking extremists are not “far-left.” They are simply leftist .
  • And what is a far-right extremist? For all we know, merely protesting the napalming of innocent civilians in Dresden is ipso facto enough to count as being both far-right and “extreme.”
  • Note that there is no indication that there was any violence on the part of the “neo-nazis” — and you can be sure that this would have been mentioned, nay emphasized, if there had been any.
  • There is no mention that any of the violent leftists were arrested. It is a police report, but the only thing we have on authority of the police is the designation “neo-nazi.” There is the subtle sub-text that they got what they deserved, and that it is a matter of indifference whether there were any consequences for the masked leftist gangsters.

This is the way the corporate mainstream media spins things. While pastors and politicians are silent, the corporations are ever more bold and open in their Satanism.

To all appearances, things look very dire for the European tribe.  Dresden was like a nightmare created by our rulers as an earnest for what is in store for us all unless we willingly become their smiley, ever-apologetic serfs.  Unless… God intervenes to rescue us. Pray. The hour is late.


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