One great feature of this book is its brevity: in a sitting or two, you finish it, Continue reading…
Man’s Religions
There is a new book out about “Hedy Lamarr” by Richard Rhodes that was puffed Continue reading…
Ronald Reagan proposed the so-called zero-option for Europe. Roughly speaking Continue reading…
The book of this title is by Steven Boguslawski (see biblio. info at end of this post). From the title, one might expect a book full of “quotes on jews,” but actually, it is a theological Continue reading…
There is an interview with one Sibel Edmonds at American Conservative that should Continue reading…
This is a film documenting the stories and attitudes of a number of jews that emigrated from Germany to Washington Heights, Manhattan Continue reading…
This book (see biblio info at bottom) is an introduction to “media ecology” by Continue reading…
It is the late 1930’s, and everywhere in the world, from Europe Continue reading…
A movie made from the [Marvin] Neil Simon stage comedy. A couple old men that worked for decades together in vaudeville are to get Continue reading…
Yiddish, according to some, was a language designed so that jews Continue reading…
This is a modern cloak and dagger based on a true story. Twenty-five year FBI man Robert Hanssen (Chris Cooper) is nabbed for spying just before he would have retired. The movie depicts the FBI’s effort to catch him in the act of making a “drop” so that conviction would be certain. Continue reading…
Original German: Der Golem, wie er in die Welt kam (“Golem: How He Came Into the World”). This is an early silent masterpiece. It is a telling of the most famous golem-legend, which takes place in Prague during the Elizabethan period. Using astrology, kabala, and invocation of an evil spirit, Rabbi Judah Löw (Albert Steinrück) succeeds in animating a clay model of a man. With this Golem, Löw is able to defend the jews from persecution by the Empire; in addition, the Golem (played by Paul Wegener who also directs) is marshaled to kill the Gentile lover Continue reading…