That he represented a theology that founder Gresham Machen dedicated his life to opposing is bad enough. That his morals were such that Westminster would not with clear conscience have been able to let him sleep in their dormitory, should be shocking to a Christian institution. But that heĀ plagiarized his dissertation should be “end of discussion” for an academic Ph.D.-granting institution.
Why does Westminster Theological Seminar continue to honor him with an awkward day off in the middle of the winter term? Anyone can guess: Because Martin Luther King, Jr. is a popular Negro, and they want to “reach out” to the Negro community with Reformed theology, by “showing solidarity” or whatever the current buzzword might be.
The only problem is, honesty is more important than being Reformed. And Negroes see right through the condescending prevarication of honkies that take this kind of stand.
If enough of them ever do adopt Reformed Theology, and do so honestly, then they will be the ones to rise up and condemn Westminster for this dishonest and immoral capitulation to political correctness. As a post-millennialist, I think that day will come. Or, perhaps WTS will have stopped this charade by then. That, too, would be a small yet significant sign to give one hope that progress is possible — or at least, an occasional correction of a wrong turn.
I just take solace in the poetic justice that Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson’s birthdays fall so close to Martin Lecherous King Day.
If you want to have a bit of fun, forward a link to this First Word item on King to some of your seminary grad friends (I did this yesterday). The angry silence from normally loquacious folk is quite interesting.
Yes, good idea Wheeler. I would encourage readers to do this kind of thing. I fear there is a lot of dishonesty out there: backstabbing, prevaricating, dissimulating, posturing, ignoring, sulking — but always “Reformed” and thus worthy of continued employment. “They have their reward.”