Racial Reconciliation and the PCA

Posted by T on September 29, 2015
Churchianity, Documentary, Politics

The PCA (Presbyterian Church in America) is all agitated for racial reconciliation. But we have to ask how relevant this is. I mean really, how many Mexicans and Negroes are actually even in the PCA? And what can the PCA do about it anyway?

It is not a new story. I first heard about it over thirty years ago, when I first moved to So. Cal. The warfare between Mexican and Negro has been under-reported because it does not fit the regnant narrative of our rulers, hence probably many Presbyterians are completely unaware of it. In that sense, I suppose the PCA is to be commended for bringing this to our attention.

The Negro community resents the mass immigration of Mexicans and their own displacement from their historic ghettos in many cities. They really don’t want to go back to Louisiana. They also resent their traditional jobs going more and more to Mexicans. The tensions are so high that it could actually soon lead to a realignment:  the dirty little secret that probably agitates the Left more than any other facet of Donald Trump’s candidacy is, not just that he could grab the Republican nomination, but that he as a Republican could probably capture a significant part of the Negro vote in the general election, if his promise to end the Mexican invasion were thought to be credible.

Of course, Negroes might also get a little nervous if the discussion is allowed to go too far in this direction.  The slavery card has been a lucrative one for them. Yet, at bottom they must realize that they would not be here at all if it hadn’t been for slavery.  Their very existence here at all is only due to the happy Providence that a rival and victorious tribe sold their ancestors to traders for barrels of rum, rather than boiling them for lunch. In short, at bottom they must realize that their entire status as the beneficiaries of endless White philanthropy is entirely and only due to their ancestors’ presence here via slavery.

So if the Mexicans need to go home, it raises the theoretical possibility that someone might suggest that, now that their services are no longer desired as slaves, they also should “go home.” This injects ambiguity into the discussion — or would, if it were ever brought up in that form.

The Mexicans for their part feel that Texas and Southern California (and more) is their historical patrimony, and are disgusted by Negro ghetto behavior and laziness. They feel that if they work hard and save, and buy up the ghetto townhouses one by one, they have every right to do so.

There is a gang aspect to all this. I am not here to defend gangs, of course. But there is a primal motif to some of the gangs that cannot be excoriated simplistically: namely, guarding the turf their own people have staked out, when the established authorities have de facto abandoned them.

Now comes the PCA and wants to broker “racial reconciliation.” But what would this look like? Say they get some Negroes and Mexicans to the “bargaining table.” What then? What will be the proposal to bring an end to all of this? Inviting Jesus into their hearts? The fact is, a higher percentage of Negroes profess to have done this than Whites.  And very possibly, the same (re-interpreted in language of their tradition) would be true of the Mexicans. So that “proposal” will seem a bit hollow coming from the largely White Presbyterians.

That if more Negroes and Mexicans became Presbyterians, the problem would go away? Will they be able to suggest that with a straight face?

What then? That each side should repent of its racial sins? But neither side sees it that way. Such a solution does not even touch the underlying grievances.

I don’t know, but I think the weepy men of the PCA may have bitten off more than they can chew this time.

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1 Comment to Racial Reconciliation and the PCA

  • I sure wish they could see the self-defeating nature of the game they’re playing. The fact that they can’t see that God intended his church to be both spiritually united and tribally, nationally, and therefore racially distinct on the grounds that all their racial “reconciling” is requiring them to disenfranchise their own race, tells us just how far afield the PCA’s leadership has gone. I think it’s time for them to realize they may can be for all tribes, but they can’t be of all tribes. May Southern Presbyterianism be reconciled to the people by whom and for whom it was founded.

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