Russians to the rescue?

Posted by T on December 19, 2016

I seriously doubt that the departments of our regime known as the CIA and FBI actually can prove that “the Russians” were behind the hacks of the DNC. However, it doesn’t really bother me much one way or the other. Several points need to be made.

1. As if the CIA isn’t doing this kind of thing and much much more continuously. It’s pretty shameless to make a fuss about others doing what they do every day.

2. Except that our regime’s interference in other nations destroys truth and starts wars. In contrast, this alleged “interference” by Russia exposes the truth and reduces the chance of wars.

3. The FBI was skeptical about the CIA’s claim, until their leaders met and Comey came to understand that Russia would have a “motive” for doing it (see around the sixth paragraph here for example).  As if motive proves deed!

4. The fact that they constantly mention Putin as a metonymy for “the Russian government” is almost proof that they are lying. For, how could they possibly know this? It is all just playing into their demonization of Putin. They probably don’t think they can overturn our election. The goal, however, is to plants memes for gaining support for future aggression against Russia and her allies.

5. If there was real concern about foreign influence on American politics, the role of Israel would occupy the next ten years of public hearings, before it would even be worth mentioning pikers like Russia. Imagine if there were an ARPAC equivalent to AIPAC. Imagine if every candidate of both parties made an obligatory trek to Moscow, kneeling down to kiss the holy Patriarch’s ring. Imagine if every debate and every speech had to mention Russia’s main policy concerns and hasten to be more prompt than the next candidate to express eternal fealty. Imagine if anyone opposing such subservience was shouted down as an “anti-Slavite” and driven out of office.

6. At the end of the day, the Wikileaks reveal truth. And “the truth is never unwholesome” as Dabney said. Now, hacking into (((Diebold machines))) and changing votes would be very bad. But the idea that you “interfere in American politics” by revealing the truth is quite amazing when you think about it.

1 Comment to Russians to the rescue?

  • Great article!! The last sentence is truly amazing. If it had been used on TV at anytime in the last week or so or when the BS started it could have ended the discussion.

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