Who both killed the Lord Jesus, and their own prophets, and have persecuted us; and they please not God, and are contrary to all men: Forbidding us to speak to the Gentiles that they might be saved, to fill up their sins alway: for the wrath is come upon them to the uttermost. I Thess. 2:15f.
The jewish hatred of Jesus Christ has if anything increased since the generation of their ancestors that murdered Him. This is as it must be, as E. Michael Jones has so patiently explained: having rejected the Logos, they have nothing left but self-worship and revolution to live for. This makes them uniquely distinct from all the other nations of the world. The fact that most of them live as a nation within another nation, feigning enough conformity to get along, disguises this glaring distinction from the eyes of many.

Gresham’s Law of Days: Unholy days drive out holy days. Not a single Merry Christmas card to be found at this bookstore in Athens, Ga.
The jewish assault on Christmas can be examined from a number of angles. The replacement of the English and German carols with tunes — sometimes thumping, sometimes crooning — about reindeer, lust, and works righteousness. People scarcely noticed that after jewry’s operation succeeded, no day is holy any more. Without Jesus Christ, no day could be holy, no season could be, no life could be. Slowly, imperceptibly, the holy hush has been replaced with intolerable blared music, manger reenactments with impure flicks, flickering candles welcoming the newborn King with blinking neon lights inviting to a holiday sale. Worst of all, people wish one another “happy holiday” with the implied qualification “whatever,” as if that stupid tale about oil lamps is just as important, each to his own, as honoring God incarnate.
At this point I don’t want to get into the question of whether Christians should even have created Christmas as a holy day to begin with. You can take either side on that question while following the argument I am here pursuing, which is this: the jewish subversion of the nation’s celebration of Christmas, along with elevating their oil-lamp legend to one of equal validity, is evidence of a deeply depraved heart, even if the incarnation were factually false.
For that is undoubtedly their anticipated plea on the Judgment Day, right? “Lord, we couldn’t believe in Jesus Christ, because all of our leaders said it was idolatry to do so, based on the very texts you gave us in the Torah! You can’t hold us guilty!” (Arguing with God, reasoning with Him, is itself something jews take great pride in — speaking, that is, of the minority of them that are not atheists.)
My argument is that their plea falls flat on its own terms. For the story of the Incarnation is the greatest story ever told, even if it were false. Think about it. The Creator of all men is angry with mankind, threatening eternal punishment because of their rebellion. But then, in an ineffable mysterious transaction, the eternal Son of God himself offers to bear their punishment in their stead, becoming incarnate and living amongst them. And in exchange for having their death sentences commuted, men have to do… nothing.
There are only two reasonable reflexes to this story: joy beyond words, or wistful sadness. I can fully understand someone being unable to believe this story “because it is just too wonderful to be true.” But to ridicule it, mock it, to drag His name through the mud like a common cuss word, to denigrate and subvert those that worship this fictitious character — this is the sign of a heart that has reached such depravity that it makes one shudder to think of it. No: there will be no plea on their behalf on the Judgment Day because of mere inability to believe. This hatred goes beyond the category of belief and unbelief.
Indeed, as someone once pointed out, their very hatred is one of the proofs that the story is in fact true. Hatred this personal, this visceral, has no other explanation.
From the horse’s mouth
You once included some general holiday discussion in a previous post or two from probably 8-10 yrs ago…maybe 7. I can’t seem to find any of those posts. Are they still here, or did you maybe move them over to Afterthought? I ask, because I’ve been rereading all of the posts from this site starting at the beginning, and I thought I would have run into it/them by now (Jan. ’08).
was it this one perhaps?
That’s it! Thank you.
This story brought tears to my eyes. Now that the US/Israel-sponsored terrorists have been driven out of Aleppo, a huge Christmas celebration took place with participation by Assad.