
Lay off Biden, already

Posted by T on April 28, 2022
Agrarianism, Judaica, Politics / No Comments

It has become common and tedious for the American Right Wing to ridicule Sleepy Joe and endlessly show montages of all his gaffes. I am not even speaking of the treasonous “Right” like Lindsey Graham and Sean Hannity, who cynically want to parlay the natural disgust felt by every decent person into a political surge that will make possible the military furtherance of the interests of that Middle Eastern desert tribe venerated by Dispensationalists. No, I am talking even about good guys like Mark Dice and Tucker Carlson.

The error is both moral, and misses the elephant in the parlor.

  1. Biden ran in 1988 and was forced to withdraw when it came out that he had cheated in law school. 
  2. Granted, he lost the election in 2020, but it still remains the case that tens of millions of people did vote for him and thus a major part of the electorate is no longer concerned that he cheated through law school.
  3. From a moral standpoint, which is worse, being a cheater, or being senile?
  4. From the standpoint of taking the oath of office, same question.
  5. Obviously, this man has lost his mind, but equally obviously (and for the same reason), he is not the power at the helm. He did not orchestrate the election theft that put him in office. It was not he that thought of nominating a thoroughly termite cabinet. He did not define the policy for Covid, the Ukraine, printing up of trillions of dollars, or establishing a Ministry of Truth. Others are coming up with all these ideas.
  6. But none of our leaders dares to name the real power behind the throne. Tucker comes as close as anyone dare, but still does not cross the line.

What follows from (5) is inescapable: Biden’s dementia is not some kind of embarrassment to the Left: it is their glory. It’s as if to say, “we not only stole the election, but we did it to put a retarded degenerate in office — one that we control down to the very words he attempts to read off the teleprompter — and there’s nothing you can do about it except mock and whine.”

So we are in a real fix. We can hear the loud buzz of termites eating up the joists that hold up our house. But we dare not say, “termites are eating up the house.” That would be anti-Termitism.

I actually fear a Republican surge in the mid-terms. It won’t mean that election fraud has been solved — nay, the fraudsters may even orchestrate an exaggerated amount of electoral backlash, since the stage is now set for Republicans to play their appointed role: get America into war. 

If conservatives don’t wake up over the next six months, that is likely just what will happen, and it is not a pleasant thought. This is why the montages of Joe’s senility scare me. Every chuckle chuckle puts another nail into our coffin, unless God decree our rescue in a manner that cannot be foreseen.

Our Negroes are faster than your Negroes

Posted by T on January 02, 2022
Agrarianism, Sports / No Comments

at least until next week. I’m with UGa, which came out roaring against Michigan New Year’s Eve to become the challenger for the national title on Jan. 13. It will be a rematch against Alabama. I’m nervous about it. Alabama decimated us in the SEC championship. 

Continue reading…

Seven things Trump could do that would make it all worthwhile

Posted by T on June 23, 2018
Agrarianism, Ethics / No Comments

The Left has so dominated the reporting of the agenda of the Trump administration, that it is very easy to stop thinking creatively and positively about what he should actually be doing. Of course, stopping the immigration is the most important thing, and that does make it into the news. But much else is needed if we are to be rescued as a people. Here are my top several.

1. Clean up the voter rolls

This is the single most important unreported thing. The furious pushback by the Left at even the most mild efforts in this direction is all the proof you need that voter fraud in fact does occur, and that the Left intends to use it fully to their advantage. The future safety of our nation post-Trump depends on this being accomplished. This needs to be all-out war.

2. Outlaw the metric system

This is seemingly a small matter, but actually vitally important. It is nothing less than a battle of wills between the peasants, the folk, the people on one side, and imperial power. Even the designation of our system as “Imperial Units” is most unfortunate, and almost exactly contrary to the actual state of affairs. It was Napoleon in the wake of the French Revolution that imposed the metric system — thus it, not ours, should be called the Imperial system.

Americans have successfully resisted the imperial metric system, but it keeps creeping back in, with dual-labeling in the grocery store, temperature being given in both units, and science textbooks using metric exclusively. The constitution in Article 1, Section 8 gives the Federal Government the right to fix the standards of weights and measures, and this power should be fully utilitized to rescue us from the encroachment of Enlightenment imperialism. There are a variety of ways this could be done.

3. Ban Kosher

There are two aspects to this: the wanton cruelty to animals entailed by kosher slaughter, and the hidden kosher-tax levied on all Americans in much of the food that is purchased. Steps toward outlawing the cruel kosher torture of animals could be initiated by Trump simply announcing that no more snail-darter-preservation type acts will be taken until the kosher torture is first eliminated. The kosher tax could be flushed into the public view by requiring canneries to put a label on every product indicating how much cost is attributable to kosher — and this must include, not only the fees transferred to the rabbis, but also the implied costs associated with the extra equipment and procedures brought into production for this purpose.

4. Announce solidarity for the African-Europeans being slaughtered in South Africa.

This could be done by threatening sanctions and tariffs if the South African government does not get this situation under control, and also announcing that African-Europeans applying for refuge will be put at the front of the line, ahead of all the “economic refugee” categories enabling people to come for the free gibs. The bully pulpit alone could do wonders here.

5. Ban tipping

No, I do not say tipping could literally be made illegal: that is a free choice. But the situation has gotten out of hand. The bully pulpit could again be used to explain to people how the merchants have manipulated this archaic remnant of the slave period to exploit both the service workers and the customers. It has become an extortion racket. In Europe, tipping is not expected, and the service jobs pay decent wages right up front. Yet I have never found the service to be one iota less diligent there; quite the contrary.

6. Ban blared music in retail establishments

If smoking can be banned, why can’t noise pollution? Again, I do not say a law should be passed, but the bully pulpit could be used to give confidence to the people to begin a long, gradual pushback. This ubiquitous jangling of the auditory channel and numbing of the mind is a significant aspect of how the quality of our lives has been degraded.

7. Abolish the Patriot Act and TSA

The Patriot Act is one of the glaring outrages left from the W’s administration.  The surveillance of citizens’ phone calls and emails must be stopped immediately. It is far-reaching. The sense of privacy and trust in your banking has been been disrupted. Why do you have to produce ID and sign, in order to deposit into an account? How ridiculous is that?

I do not say airport “security” could be abolished all at once, because our people willingly submit to it and advocate for it. But the most egregious absurdities could be ameliorated. As Ann Coulter once pointed out, no Connecticut blond has every been found smuggling bombs onto an airplane. Neither have any grannies. So why are Connecticut blonds and grannies subjected to pat-downs and x-ray scans? It is an outrage, and it is one of the ways the men of our nation are daily cowed and humiliated into helpless submission.

How about this for a baby step. Have every airport provide a separate line for those not carrying anything on board. They would go through an express line with minimal examination. In the express line, only swarthy young males would have to go through the machine or be patted down.  Of course the Left will scream “profiling!” and “racism!” That is what the Left does. But nothing makes more sense than profiling, in a situation where only a small number of demographics have ever caused any problems.


These  measures will probably inspire additional suggestions in the readers’ minds. We need to realize that our civilization is being eroded and destroyed, and stopping the influx of undesirables, laudatory as that is, will do nothing to restore the land of the free and home of the brave, unless many small but significant changes are made across the board.

Down with the Metric System

Posted by 2 on September 15, 2006
Agrarianism, Culture / 8 Comments

(1) The metric system is statist.  It was imposed during the French Revolution.  Almost every other country in the world was “forced” to accept the metric system over its indigenous units of measurement.

(2) The Revolutionaries knew what there were doing.  They knew that the way a society measures things is very much a religious practice.  Look at the attempted calendar reforms of tyrannous governments.  The Soviets moved away from a seven-day week.  The French revolutionaries did something similar (each 30 day month had three ten-day weeks ending with a rest-day, the decadi).  The calendar was revised to begin the year count with the beginning of the Revolution.  Look at the use of “CE” and “BCE” in academic literature.

(3) Aside from religious motivations, centralized states used imposed “systems” to rule over their serfs more efficiently.  They love numbers and statistics and use these to further enslave their populations.  The bureaucratic state must be resisted at every level. Continue reading…