An Anglican priest is supposed to have lamented, “Wherever St. Paul went, a riot Continue reading…
Ken Ham and his associates in the book under review favor interracial marriage Continue reading…
Ham et al. claim that there is only 0.2% genetic difference between any two races, Continue reading…
Notably absent from a book purporting to be a refutation of racism is a definition Continue reading…
Ken Ham and his associates regard the Mosaic commandment against incest Continue reading…
One thing I can’t figure out in the current rhetoric is why holocaust denial is so often Continue reading…
In the previous installment, I endeavored to show that the Mulatto Model for Continue reading…
To set the stage for later criticism of Libertarianism, it behooves to define it. Continue reading…
The thesis is that a minority, by patronizing stores owned by those of their own, Continue reading…
This continues the review of Ken Ham et al, One Blood: I continue with item 1 Continue reading…
One Blood, a book by Ken Ham, C. Wieland, and D. Batten (see detail at bottom) is a creationist attack against “racism.” Continue reading…
His book Respectable Sins starts off with a few orientation chapters, the burden of which is to show: You are already a saint Continue reading…
George Mitchell has finally issued his report on the use of “performance enhancing drugs” or PEDs in Major League Baseball (MLB). Predictably, this has set the nattering talking heads into a new buzz, some defending this or that of the accused, but most just tutt-tutting. It is hard to find anyone actually discussing the question, “what’s wrong with using PEDs?” So, like the Little Red Hen, but more importantly: in keeping with First Word’s mission, I will set out to do so. Continue reading…
There are a variety of topics in our current discourse, such as racial linguistic reference, and the question of the desirability of integration in church or state, to which our disputants often have a ready argument: “there will be no race in heaven; therefore we should operate as if that were the case now.” As will prove to be the case again and again, both the major and minor premises of modern truisms are generally dubious. Here I wish to analyze a premise that functions as the “minor” in that argument, and is taken as “obvious” even by intelligent people today. Namely, the idea that “there will be no race in heaven.” Continue reading…
Today is the 64th anniversary of the Allied fire-bombing of Hamburg known as Operation Gomorrah. The British part, which deliberately targeted civilians, actually involved four night-time attacks beginning the nights of 7/24, 7/25, 7/27, and 8/2 of 1943. (There were supplemental American attacks by day that aimed at military targets.) Thus, this night is actually the anniversary of the third night of bombing; but that was the one that created the fire-storm that killed tens of thousands in horror- Continue reading…