
Two Theorems on the American Presidency

Posted by T on August 22, 2024
Politics / No Comments

Here my burden is to demonstrate two absolute facts of our modern American political life, each with a corresponding fact about the public’s relation to that fact; viz.

1. The office of President is actually a Committee

1a. and everyone knows this

2. The Committee is fine with the figurehead being demented or unhinged, as long as the public doesn’t care

2a. and the public doesn’t care

Once the coin drops, these theorems are actually pretty intuitive and obvious; but it’s amazing to me how much heartburn in the X- and Youtube-community could be avoided if people would just remind themselves of this truth.

I. The President is a committee

In an earlier essay, I explained how there must be a committee that is actually functioning as the executive in the Biden presidency. We need to pause on this point, as it is easy to skim past and miss. This kind of claim is usually dismissed as “conspiracy theory,” but here we have proof as close to apodictic as is possible, short of a videotape of the zoom call or conference room where the committee actually meets. Here is the syllogism:

i. Demented people can’t function as president

ii. Obviously, Biden has been demented for at least two years

iii. Therefore, Biden has not been functioning as president for at least two years

The beauty of this deduction is that we do not need to specify who that “someone” is, or even have any idea who it is.

To get from (iii) to the Committee, it is only necessary to notice that it could hardly be a single individual, because that would go beyond conspiracy to a state of affairs that cannot be imagined. Unless the One were appointed by a committee, there would be constant rivalry behind closed doors. It is too much to find plausible.

So the opinion of “conspiracy theorists” that the President is a figurehead for nebulous personages behind the throne, is actually apodictically certain. 

There would have to be a way for the nominal “President” to be informed about what papers to sign, what appearances to make, what trips to make. Most likely, the immediate link to him for this function would be the White House Chief of Staff, the nebulous figure that actually runs the White House. This position is currently held by Jeff Jew Zients. At the onset of the Obama regime, this office was held by Raul Jew Emmanuel.

The second tier of control is the important cabinet posts that control the important agencies of the Government — the ones that actually influence our national life. Today, these are  

  • Merrick Jew Garland (Attorney General)
  • Alejandro Jew Mayorkas (Homeland Security)
  • Antony Jew Blinken (State)
  • Janet Jew Yellen (Treasury)

Of course, it’s just a coincidence that the Big Five are all Jews. Don’t excommunicate me James White — I’m telling you it’s just a coincidence. It’s just because they are smart and work hard; and they have nothing at heart but what is good for the American people.

These characters are not necessarily the full committee, or even on the committee. They are the executors for the Committee, though they may also be important members of the Committee for all we know.

Ia. Everyone knows this is the case

that is, that the Presidency is a committee.

By “everyone” I mean essentially everyone. There are always some with their heads in the clouds, or prevented by dogma from seeing things right in front of them.

Some 80% — meaning 40% on the left plus 40% on the right, is going to vote for his party, even if Bozo the clown or the Joker were the candidate. There have been a handful of exceptions to this, usually if a 3rd party candidate taps off some of the vote, or if one candidate is wildly popular or unpopular. But 40% is a good number to use for the minimum vote either Party can count on, regardless of who the figurehead is.

In other words, 80% of the voters are going to shrug off any argument that his Party’s candidate is incompetent, mentally challenged or whatever.

Now, this Kamala girl who is the candidate, is both incredibly stupid and unhinged. But 40, maybe 50% of the populace, is not concerned in the slightest: the Committee will run the country.  Another 40-50% knows that it doesn’t really matter that she is a nutcase: it’s the policies that her controlling committee will follow that is the concern.

Would anyone, of either party, want either Biden or Kamala to hold the nuclear codes, or map out a global strategy through the world conflicts?

Of course not! And they don’t, and won’t.

II. The Committee is fine with the figurehead being demented or unhinged

During most of his term of service, Biden’s dementia has been documented by Mark Dice and others. But only a few agitators really showed concern. The Committee will take of it!

The Party/Media did a full-court press to have him removed as their candidate when, and only because, his public display at the debate was so embarrassing that they knew it would be hard to sell or buy the election while still maintaining trust. But they did not learn anything at the debate that they didn’t already know. The Left feigned shock because they knew that either winning or stealing the election under these terms would be implausible. The Right feigned shock because… well it’s anyone’s guess why the Right feigned shock.

In other words, the Committee was not only willing, but evidently saw it as a good thing, that their figurehead was a bumbling idiot. Only the public reveal made them scramble.

IIa. The public doesn’t care

Of course, the public was in danger of being upset by the reveal of Biden’s dementia, so this seems to contradict theorem 2a. 

But this was an illusion. The only rank and file that seemed upset were already in Trump’s camp. If you think about it, all the noise from Left came from the media and rulers, not the rank and file. 

As I said two and half years ago, the controllers — read, the Committee — probably actually enjoyed the fact that Biden was demented. It probably gave them even more pleasure that the public on the Right was upset.

Some Applications

I list some applications randomly; the reader is invited to figure out others.

  • Trump appears to be the first President since — what, maybe Nixon? — who may not be a stooge of the committee. This is precisely why the Evil Party (esp. the media wing of it) is so enraged by him — and the Evil Party includes plenty of Republicans. There is no point in refuting this point or that point they make. All of that misses the real issue.
  • The public’s confidence in the Committee is fuzzy as to the exact subject of control. I call it the Committee; a typical public might call it the Party, or the System, or something else, after they were made to see cognitively that it is not the Man.
  • Trump crushes the debate, Biden is revealed as senile; then Trump is shot, and he gets the most iconic photo in the history of the Presidency — and Trump’s poll numbers rise from 40 to 42. What?!! Why is it not 80%? Once the theorems are mastered, this should not surprise us at all.
  • Barring some unforeseen disaster on either side, the pundits on election day will be saying “it’s too close to call.”
  • All the earnest back and forth, arguments, denouements, soliloquies, video snips, indignant commentation, and personal manifestos on X and YouTube are basically street theater. Even I chime in from time to time: it is gratifying. It probably is the stuff of evening amusement for the Committee to observe it. But we have to keep our eyes on these indubitable theorems: realize that at most this is tilting at 1 or 2% of the public, and start thinking about a long-term strategy.

James White gives permission to say 3 million!

Posted by T on July 31, 2024
Judaica, Man's Religions, Politics / 1 Comment

In a 12-minute anti-anti-semitism rant (from 30:45 to 42:15), James says that if there is someone that laughs at a certain holocaust meme that he describes, then

  • you don’t have to confront him according to Mt 18: go straight to the elders
  • apparently, you don’t have to identify what law of God has been broken: it should be obvious
  • church discipline should immediately ensue
  • if it doesn’t, you are justified in leaving, because it is not even a church

So for James, affirming the Holocaust story, and doing so with a reverent visage, is literally part of the Gospel! Denying it is “obviously” a sin, and apparently an unforgiveable one since Mt. 18 needn’t be followed. (In fairness, he does issue a blanket warning “you need to repent” at one point. But the instructions on what to do if you have a Denier in your church bypasses that step.)  

What gives James such confidence here? Answer: he “saw” the “medical facilities” at Sachsenhausen, Berlin, and he also saw the sign “Arbeit Macht Frei.”

(Spoiler alert: none of the concentration camps within Germany are still claimed to be death camps. The only ones still claimed were in eastern [Polish] territory. So no, you didn’t “see” anything at Sachsenhausen relevant to your claims.)

However, he does allow you to revise the “number” down to three million, from the sacred six (37:35). 

The only thing is, James, numerous people have tried this and it didn’t work. The “6” is untouchable (except upward). Never mind that even holocaustian Raul Hilberg estimated the number at 5.1 million; I guess jewish math always rounds up or something. Rushdoony followed the estimations of Rassinier and cautioned against exaggerating the numbers in view of the 9th commandment; for this he was tagged as “incompetent, racist or mentally unhinged” by Carl Trueman. David Irving points out the absurdities of much of the Ausschwitz evidence, while admitting that crimes against Jews were committed: and for this he has been imprisoned, fined, and driven from respectable company everywhere. Many others could be listed, suffering persecution that reads like St Paul

in labours more abundant, in stripes above measure, in prisons more frequent, in deaths oft. Of the Jews five times received I forty stripes save one.  Thrice was I beaten with rods, once was I stoned, thrice I suffered shipwreck, a night and a day I have been in the deep; in journeyings often, in perils of waters, in perils of robbers, in perils by mine own countrymen, in perils by the heathen, in perils in the city, in perils in the wilderness, in perils in the sea.

For our rulers, the Holocaust is indeed their gospel, the public denial of which leads to civil excommunication. That which is the truly divine is the thing that no one is ever permitted to attack, in any society.

So it seems like our ruling establishment and James White actually agree on the gospel!

In fairness, I suppose we should merely say that the gospel of James and of our rulers have identical implications.

So James should address how honest research is even possible in the dishonest environment in which we live; or rather, lament that it is not possible in such an environment. Never a word is spoken about this; nor is there any self-reflection as to how much his own Steven Spielberg-level “evidence” may have tainted his own thinking.

So no, I would caution all peasants of the world, if you value your person or property, not to revise the number down to 3 million, even though Dr. James White has given you permission to do so.

The Stupid Party achieves another Stupid Goal

Posted by T on July 23, 2024
Politics / No Comments

Madame Cheatle of the SS has resigned, as demanded by all the Stupid Party representatives in their shrill committee hearing yesterday.

As a quick aside, how great is it that the two main players in the assassination attempt are named Crooks and Cheatle? You can’t make this up. Franklin Sanders said somewhere that every name has meaning. This is certainly true in the Bible. Today, I think there is generally some significance or story behind a name, but often not directly tied up with the person. A girl named Fifi or ShaWanda  or Sunset tells us more about her mother, and the absence of her father, than it does about her, except insofar as the indirect facts have a direct bearing on her nurture. About a boy named Dawson Randall Smith III, you can say he comes from a family, probably in the South, who values heritage and family. And so forth. But rarely do we score a direct hit like Crooks and Cheatle.

Now, if Cheatle resigning meant she could now be arrested and stand trial for reckless endangerment if not attempted murder, that would be something. But there’s no evidence that’s going to happen. Instead, she will retire for a time, probably with a massively generous pension, until she perhaps gets pulled into the system again after the fuss dies down.

Stupid Party, why do you do it? Why do you do anything you do?

Uber: Honkies to Subsidize Negroes in Rainbow Cars

Posted by T on August 06, 2022
Ethics, Politics / 1 Comment

Actually not just honkies either, as we will see. Continue reading…


Ax murder for kids

Posted by T on May 01, 2022
Ethics, Judaica, Politics / No Comments

Review of book “What’s ax murder, anyway?” (bio. info at end). Continue reading…


Lay off Biden, already

Posted by T on April 28, 2022
Agrarianism, Judaica, Politics / No Comments

It has become common and tedious for the American Right Wing to ridicule Sleepy Joe Continue reading…

The NCAA Tournament

Posted by T on April 03, 2022
Judaica, Politics, Sports / No Comments

Somehow I got pulled into the NCAA basketball tournament Continue reading…

But even if it wasn’t stolen…

Posted by T on January 10, 2021
Judaica, Politics / No Comments

No rational person can believe that the 2020 election was not stolen, despite YouTube’s and Twitter’s schoolmarmish interposing of their own view to anyone that dissents.

Continue reading…

Why the Georgia runoff?

Posted by T on January 02, 2021
Judaica, Politics / No Comments

I think without the cheating, Trump not only would have won with a landslide exceeding that of Reagan in 84, but his coattails would have given him the House and a filibuster-proof Senate. 

In other words, there is no reason to think the cheating was limited to the “swing states,” and this point has not been made often enough.

Continue reading…

Augustine Updated: The Origin, Progress, and Destiny of the City of Corona

Posted by T on March 28, 2020
Churchianity, Politics / No Comments

Its Origin

The question is whether at its origin it is a random natural mutation of some virus that started to spread out by natural association, or an intentional creation of evil men. The girls at Yahoo have already declared the answer to this. A word or two needs to be said to author Kate Holland. First, you should not feign a scolding, personal tone in your headline. You are a bimbette. It is your part to listen and learn, not scold. Second, wondering if the virus was created in a lab is an historical hypothesis, not a conspiracy theory. It is a perfectly natural question to raise, even if the answer turns out to be negative. Third, the virus being a “lab construct” is not the same concept as being a conspiracy. It could escape from a lab in a variety of ways not involving a conspiracy — by accident, or by the machinations of a single perp. Conversely, it could involve a conspiracy while not being a “lab construct.” Labs hold all kinds of naturally-occurring pestilences, not excluding even the Bubonic Plague. In short, there is no entailment in either direction between conspiracy and lab construct. Finally, Bimbette, does it not make you wonder why a “study” was conducted on this question just now by medical scientists, rather than them working frantically on a vaccine, cure, better analysis, or just general aid to the distressed? It’s almost as if they had an answer in search of a proof.

Continue reading…

King in Chicago

Posted by T on January 20, 2019
Judaica, Politics / No Comments

The story of the Negro takeover of the northern cities is simple in broad outline, but complex in the detail. E. Michael Jones’ book The Slaughter of Cities required 668 pages counting indexes. Very few Americans of my acquaintance are aware of this history. People younger than around 50 probably assume that your typical American city has simply always been a Negro hellhole; they probably think that the few islands of civilization that still remain are the result of gentrification; but this is not at all the case. Most of the transformation took place during a typical Boomer’s lifetime. In addition, most people (except those actually raised in northern cities in the 50s and 60s) think that racial tension is a Southern thing. This is almost the opposite of the actual case. The South is unique in tempering the tensions of life near Negroes with some grace and humor. Its segregation was legal, leaving much room for affection in the gaps. Segregation in the North was not by law: it was all done at the street level, and left little place for affection. I will try to summarize the main outlines of the story, so everyone can at least be vaguely aware, and hopefully, have their appetites whetted to dive into Jones’ opus. It will require several posts. In this installment, I want to focus just on how Whites at that time were able to organize and push back, something that seems inconceivable today. It can serve as a note of encouragement on this day our rulers have set aside to honor this most wicked man, Martin Luther King, Jr.

First the bird’s eye view. There had been a trickle of Negro incursion into the North since the Civil War, but it was negligible compared to what was to come. World War II gave the double impetus for the mass migration: a large number of the country’s youth were drafted into the Army at the same time that there was a huge and artificial demand for industrial output. That is, there was a sudden increase in demand for factory labor at just the time that the local supply was crimped. The solution was to comb through the South and recruit sharecroppers with the lure of high factory wages and easier living. And recruited they were. Vast numbers of Negroes started pouring into virtually every northern industrial city. They continued to pour in after the war was over. The traditional ghettoes were bursting at the seams, so lots of new areas to live were needed.

So much for Act I, setting the stage for the conflict.

The prologue also needs to be written, and is not covered by Jones. This is the fact that the bulk of the Anglo-Saxon (and German and Scandinavian and Huguenot and Hungarian) Protestant people had drifted out to the suburbs, or soon would. The cities were settled in a quilt-like patchwork of specific ethnic, and Catholic, neighborhoods: Poles, Italians, Irish, Czechs, Lithuanians, each clustered in somewhat homogenous patches of the city, each with its parish cathedral.

Why the Protestants tended to diffuse while the Catholics tended to hang together ethnically is a story that I would love to learn about: I wish Mr. Jones might tackle that. For this book, it is taken as a presupposition.

We need to remember that the villains in the story are rarely the Negroes. Left to natural development, but hedged in by White culture, and the noose always waiting when needed, the Negroes would have settled in their own sections and lived relatively peaceful, happy lives, with jobs provided by Whites, police protection provided by Whites, welfare provided by Whites, medical care provided by Whites, and infrastructure provided by Whites. They would have worked enough to get by, made music and whoopy, gotten drunk, and taken naps.

No, the villains of the story, by which the Negro was turned into the unwitting shock troops for a relentless, physical war on American Christendom, are almost completely jews and White liberals, especially Quakers, but also the Catholic intelligentsia, the corrupted WASP establishment, Rockefeller, and the richly endowed foundations. Even the Negroes recruited into the war, such as King himself, were largely pawns of larger, sinister forces. This does not let Marin off the hook. King was a very evil man, but would have just been another locally-contained evil man, just another lascivious preacher, had it not been for his sponsorship by jews, communists, and other revolutionaries.

I want to focus on Chicago during King’s campaign. Lots of the Chicago story took place before King was ever on the scene, so some backfill will be needed later, but we need to honor the day.

In Chicago, the strategy followed by King and the civil rightsers in general had shifted from voter registration, which had been the focus in the South, to staging grand marches through white neighborhoods to protest — well, to protest what? Jones asks. That Poles exist and live there? What exactly were they protesting? “King’s gift for moving masses of people had now been grafted on a Quaker campaign of manipulating the real-estate market for political ends that only worked when no one knew it was occurring. This unthinking combination of the movement’s northern and southern strategies was a formula for disaster” (p. 504).

What King couldn’t seem to reckon with was the stiffness of the resistance that his marches were met with.

It is hard to imagine what happened, given our familiarity with passive and pudgy Whites that will accept any depredation with scarcely a whimper of protest. How different it was 50 years ago.

On Friday afternoon, fifty protesters arrived outside the Gage Park office of the Halvorsen Realty Company, fully intending to stay there until Saturday morning. Once darkness fell, the demonstrators realized that they had miscalculated when a mob of 1,000 angry counter-demonstrators surrounded them and began taunting them and pelting them with missiles of various sorts. When it became clear that the police were incapable of protecting the demonstrators, they persuaded them to break off their protest, which the protesters did, retreating to their cars under a hail of rocks and bottles.

The protesters responded to Friday’s failure by redoubling their efforts. This time instead of fifty demonstrators, they marched 500 into the neighborhood itself, creating another hostile mob which again unleashed another barrage of rocks and bottles, which this time hit both Al Raby and Jesse Jackson. (504)

However, what was particularly vicious about the second day’s protest is that it was preceded by a staged “inter-racial picnic” in a local park featuring Negroes consorting with Aryanesses, some of whom feigned being pregnant using pillows under their blouses. (It would be interesting to find out where the girls were recruited from — the University of Chicago’s Sociology Department?) This was clearly psychological terror, as having your way with the women is the primary mark of having conquered a people. The demonstration would have no impact on “housing,” it was just meant to demoralize (though it back-fired in this case, as Jones insightfully explains). But we need to be aware that the ceaseless depiction of Negroes with Aryanesses on TV, in advertisements, in movies, is part of a relentless campaign to humiliate and demoralize the White man. Knowing it will help you to resist, brother!

The same thing happened when Martin Luther King arrived back in town to lead the march against the Lithuanians in Marquette Park. King stepped out of his car and was almost immediately hit on the head with a rock, a blow which dropped him to his knees…. After the protesters parked their cars and marched off into the neighborhood to protest the fact that the people who lived there lived there, the Lithuanians located the easily identifiable cars of the outsiders who had just driven into the neighborhood and then dropped lighted flares in their gas tanks. The ensuing fires further demoralized the protesters by attacking them from the rear and cutting off, at least symbolically, their ability to retreat… All in all, fifteen automobiles were torched before the police brought the area under control. One policeman’s clearest memory of the Marquette Park march was Al Raby running for his life down 71st Street. (505)

Nevertheless, “the more he failed to achieve his goal, the more King redoubled his efforts along the same lines which caused the failure in the first place.”

The Lafayette Plan, on the other hand, favored the clandestine Quaker approach based on move-ins, and Lafayette was now convinced the King’s southern strategy was jeopardizing whatever gains the Quakers had already made in the Chicago area. King’s tactics ran the danger of making Catholics aware of the clandestine campaign that had already driven so many of them out of their neighborhoods. If they knew what was going on, they could stop it as effectively as they were in stopping King’s kamikaze-style marches. Unless the AFSC and SCLC differences are resolved, it was clear that the movement was about to fall apart.” (508)

The final lunge was to be a march through the section known as Cicero. This would be as symbolic as Selma, for the first anti-integration riots had famously occurred in Cicero over a decade earlier. Governor Kerner put the state police and National Guard on alert. The leadership chickened out, but the new breed of young Negroes defiantly went in anyway.

A rump group managed to round up 200 people and send them to Cicero, accompanied by 2,700 National Guard troops and 700 police who were more or less successful in keeping the much larger crowd of counter-demonstrators from killing them. When it became apparent that the march was going nowhere, the demonstrators beat a retreat under a steady barrage of rocks and bottles. (511)

“King was clearly shaken by his experience in Chicago” (511).

Unfortunately, King’s revolution had the full backing of the Army, Navy, and Air Force of the United States, and eventually prevailed.

There are many more details of the war that are instructive, and I will continue to highlight aspects from time to time. In this vignette, I for one was very encouraged to find out how effective men in a neighborhood can be in defending themselves. It is encouraging that when it was just local powers allied with King’s revolution, the people on the street were able to defeat this Negro communist handily. We need to form bonds that are rooted in family and locality, learn how to fight, and learn how to communicate with each other through the thick jamming noise that surrounds us.

Unfortunately, much of that noise comes from the modern church.

E. Michael Jones, The Slaughter of Cities: Urban Renewal as Ethnic Cleansing. (St. Augustine, South Bend, 2004)


Dresden Year 73

Posted by T on February 13, 2018
Politics / No Comments

On this day we should all pause and remember the deliberate destruction of Dresden 73 years ago.

Today I want to direct attention briefly to how the Lugenpress continues to spin things. Take a look at this short article from AP.  Six “neo-nazis” were beaten up by fifteen masked antifas in Dresden.

  • How do they know the six were neo-nazis? What does this word even denote precisely? There is no indication.
  • Note how they demonize the six by designating them as “neo-nazis” in every single mention, including the headline itself. They are not Germans that happen to hold this or that view, but neo-nazi is simply what they are.
  • The rally was by “far-right” extremists. But the attacking extremists are not “far-left.” They are simply leftist .
  • And what is a far-right extremist? For all we know, merely protesting the napalming of innocent civilians in Dresden is ipso facto enough to count as being both far-right and “extreme.”
  • Note that there is no indication that there was any violence on the part of the “neo-nazis” — and you can be sure that this would have been mentioned, nay emphasized, if there had been any.
  • There is no mention that any of the violent leftists were arrested. It is a police report, but the only thing we have on authority of the police is the designation “neo-nazi.” There is the subtle sub-text that they got what they deserved, and that it is a matter of indifference whether there were any consequences for the masked leftist gangsters.

This is the way the corporate mainstream media spins things. While pastors and politicians are silent, the corporations are ever more bold and open in their Satanism.

To all appearances, things look very dire for the European tribe.  Dresden was like a nightmare created by our rulers as an earnest for what is in store for us all unless we willingly become their smiley, ever-apologetic serfs.  Unless… God intervenes to rescue us. Pray. The hour is late.


Your assignment for celebrating Marin Lufer Keem day

Posted by T on January 15, 2018
Judaica, Politics / No Comments

Go to Daily Stormer at least five times a day.

You get both the important news, and basic training in how to think. It is quite amazing.

The proof that this is the real deal is the fact that jews keep trying to get it shut down. It has gone through a dozen URL’s. (If it changes again, I will put the info in the comments.)

This very state of affairs indicates how dire things have become. It is not just that jews and their shabbos goys have so much power to begin with, but that there is no visible push-back from our leadership — not a peep of protest from our pastors, professors, or politicians. It is a serious concern that our people can be publicly bullied like this with the passive compliance not just of the robed leadership, but by implication, the army, navy and air force of the United States as well.

As in the book of Judges, this circumstance is destined to teach us that only God can rescue us from complete annihilation at the hands of these satanists. May He come quickly!

I think Andrew Anglin has Führer potential. It seems almost miraculous that he has been able, at such a young age, to cut through the thick smoke of semitic conditioning that surrounds our people from cradle to grave. He has not only done this in 1/3 the time it took me, but frankly my own thinking has been corrected by his insights a number of times, though I am three times his adult age.

Updated 2/3/18 — https://dailystormer.name

Updated Jul 2022 — https://stormer-daily.rw


Russians to the rescue?

Posted by T on December 19, 2016
Politics / 1 Comment

I seriously doubt that the departments of our regime known as the CIA and FBI actually can prove that “the Russians” were behind the hacks of the DNC. However, it doesn’t really bother me much one way or the other. Several points need to be made.

1. As if the CIA isn’t doing this kind of thing and much much more continuously. It’s pretty shameless to make a fuss about others doing what they do every day.

2. Except that our regime’s interference in other nations destroys truth and starts wars. In contrast, this alleged “interference” by Russia exposes the truth and reduces the chance of wars.

3. The FBI was skeptical about the CIA’s claim, until their leaders met and Comey came to understand that Russia would have a “motive” for doing it (see around the sixth paragraph here for example).  As if motive proves deed!

4. The fact that they constantly mention Putin as a metonymy for “the Russian government” is almost proof that they are lying. For, how could they possibly know this? It is all just playing into their demonization of Putin. They probably don’t think they can overturn our election. The goal, however, is to plants memes for gaining support for future aggression against Russia and her allies.

5. If there was real concern about foreign influence on American politics, the role of Israel would occupy the next ten years of public hearings, before it would even be worth mentioning pikers like Russia. Imagine if there were an ARPAC equivalent to AIPAC. Imagine if every candidate of both parties made an obligatory trek to Moscow, kneeling down to kiss the holy Patriarch’s ring. Imagine if every debate and every speech had to mention Russia’s main policy concerns and hasten to be more prompt than the next candidate to express eternal fealty. Imagine if anyone opposing such subservience was shouted down as an “anti-Slavite” and driven out of office.

6. At the end of the day, the Wikileaks reveal truth. And “the truth is never unwholesome” as Dabney said. Now, hacking into (((Diebold machines))) and changing votes would be very bad. But the idea that you “interfere in American politics” by revealing the truth is quite amazing when you think about it.

The Electoral College

Posted by T on November 14, 2016
Politics / No Comments

Venerators of one-man one-vote democracy have long groused about the Electoral College. They think the President should be elected by a strict tally of individuals. But the Electoral College is a remnant of the old world, and as such needs to be preserved against the modern attack on it. Indeed, it should be beefed up.

When democracy started to re-emerge in the Middle Ages centuries after the demise of Athens, the idea was that two classes of men — nobles and clergy — would meet amongst their own to approve — or not — measures proposed by the king. The estates were active throughout the duchies and principalities of the Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation, and the Emperor himself was elected. Later, a third “estate” — the townsmen — emerged in response to socio-economic developments. No estate could levy a tax on a different estate, nor could the king, without that estate’s cooperation. Similar developments took place in France and England. The United States were based on the model of people organized into, not estates, but states. This is what the Electoral College is all about.

One advantage is resisting regional domination. Suppose one candidate promises the westerners that he will create a water pipeline from the east to permanently solve their water problem. So nearly 100% of their population votes for that one, while the rest of the states are closely divided on this side or that, because other issues are more important to them. The Electoral College tends to minimize the imbalance: a modest but wide-spread majority will tend to overcome an overwhelming majority in one region. This remedy failed in the election of Lincoln with 40% of the popular vote, but that was due to the division of conservatives into three factions. No system is fail-safe.

Another reason why the Electoral College was sensible, nay absolutely necessary, can be illustrated very easily.

Many people think that before the 19th Amendment, women were not allowed to vote. This is not quite true. Before the 19th Amendment, each state could permit women to vote or not. Women voted in some states quite a while before the passage of the 19th Amendment. What the 19th Amendment did was say: you are not allowed to be a state unless you permit women to vote. That, and only that, is what the 19th Amendment accomplished.

Now imagine the situation before the 19th was passed, and let us suppose a populous state like New York allows women to vote, but the others do not. Instantly, there are twice as many eligible voters in New York than there were before. Yet the number of residents stays the same.

What the Electoral College does is quarantine each state, so that no matter how crazy they become internally, their overall effect on the vote is not exaggerated. The Electoral College prevents a competitive situation arising between states to expand their number of voters.

It might be thought that by making the qualifications for voting uniform nationally, this problem goes away. However, why should we want national uniformity of voting standards? The 26th amendment gave 18-year-olds the right to vote, based on a specious argument about the draft: if you can be forced to die for your country, you ought at least to be able to help choose those who can start wars. (But girls and pointy-heads were not drafted: if the reasoning were honest, it would have said instead, “anyone who has served in the military is eligible to vote.” Moreover, why does the Left think 18 year-olds are wise enough to choose a President, but cannot be trusted to buy beer?) Let such reasoning be confined to the sillier states — but without increasing their share of the total vote. A uniform standard doesn’t help anyway. A crazy place like California can invite millions of aliens in and let them vote. Dead people have been voting in Baltimore and Philadelphia for decades. We don’t want those deads and aliens canceling out our votes.

Of course, the Electoral College as currently defined is only a partial sandbag against California craziness — every ten years, a new census leads to a greater apportionment of delegates, even if they don’t vote. So the Electoral College as currently defined is not enough of a sandbag against unjust influence of the crazies. Here is my modest proposal for reforming it therefore. Let each state have exactly one vote in the Electoral College. That would be better.

The Californians scream, that’s not fair! look at all the people we have!
