This Season’s Bohème

Posted by T on February 26, 2018
Culture, Music / No Comments

The Metropolitan Opera’s Saturday live broadcast Feb. 24 was La Bohème by Puccini. They are still doing the Zeffirelli production designed in 1980. (There is a nice little film of its original production which used to be included on the VCR tape but was excised when it went to DVD. Fortunately, it has popped up again here, and I think it is worth a watch.)

The theme of the opera is that death — and only death — is able to transform six selfish young people so that they take the first (at least baby) steps of love. That tacit thread is the reason this comedic tragedy, despite the melodrama of the ending, is able to touch many of us very deeply. Albeit, the Mimi/Rodolfo arias in Act I also still do a lot for me, before the main theme has had a chance to develop.

In a number of ways, the current production was better than the original. Michael Fabiano as Rodolfo is about equal to Carreras’; lesser here, greater there. Sonya Yoncheva’s Mimi is vastly better than Teresa Stratas’. What I like about Yoncheva over Stratas is especially the control over the vibrato, which Sonya uses with good control as a garnish where Teresa’s was more like a chaotic jiggling bowl full of jelly. Sonya delivers great power in the upper register, which is not only pleasant in its own right, but it allows her to project a sense of confidence to the hearer; we don’t need to worry about her flubbing up and can just immerse in the music.

Likewise, Susanna Phillips’ Musetta is vastly superior to the screechy Renata Scotto, though in fairness, Scotto was well past her peak and was perhaps being rewarded for earlier triumphs by giving her the role in the 80’s production. But that doesn’t matter. It is about us, the audience, not about the singers. Their job is to make us happy. It’s easy to forget this.

The original James Morris as Colline is to date unexcelled by anyone. Matthew Rose needs to work on audio power and resonance.

As Marcello, the new Lucas Meachem is about equal to the 80s Richard Stilwell as to presentation, but needs to work on gaining a bit more vocal power.

The production tweaks get low marks, particularly for straining too hard to put Wakandans everywhere possible. One of the soldiers leering at Musetta is now a Wakandan. The boy that wants to buy the trumpet in Act 2 is transformed into a Wakandan girl — a double whammy token I guess. Wakandans dominate the city-scape. This is all implausible. I was in the Left Bank 150 years after this story takes place and don’t recall seeing any. So it is simply dishonest. I will believe the establishment’s racial innovations are sincere when they cast a honky as Ralph Abernathy in a movie about Martin Luther King, Jr.

Dresden Year 73

Posted by T on February 13, 2018
Politics / No Comments

On this day we should all pause and remember the deliberate destruction of Dresden 73 years ago.

Today I want to direct attention briefly to how the Lugenpress continues to spin things. Take a look at this short article from AP.  Six “neo-nazis” were beaten up by fifteen masked antifas in Dresden.

  • How do they know the six were neo-nazis? What does this word even denote precisely? There is no indication.
  • Note how they demonize the six by designating them as “neo-nazis” in every single mention, including the headline itself. They are not Germans that happen to hold this or that view, but neo-nazi is simply what they are.
  • The rally was by “far-right” extremists. But the attacking extremists are not “far-left.” They are simply leftist .
  • And what is a far-right extremist? For all we know, merely protesting the napalming of innocent civilians in Dresden is ipso facto enough to count as being both far-right and “extreme.”
  • Note that there is no indication that there was any violence on the part of the “neo-nazis” — and you can be sure that this would have been mentioned, nay emphasized, if there had been any.
  • There is no mention that any of the violent leftists were arrested. It is a police report, but the only thing we have on authority of the police is the designation “neo-nazi.” There is the subtle sub-text that they got what they deserved, and that it is a matter of indifference whether there were any consequences for the masked leftist gangsters.

This is the way the corporate mainstream media spins things. While pastors and politicians are silent, the corporations are ever more bold and open in their Satanism.

To all appearances, things look very dire for the European tribe.  Dresden was like a nightmare created by our rulers as an earnest for what is in store for us all unless we willingly become their smiley, ever-apologetic serfs.  Unless… God intervenes to rescue us. Pray. The hour is late.


Your assignment for celebrating Marin Lufer Keem day

Posted by T on January 15, 2018
Judaica, Politics / No Comments

Go to Daily Stormer at least five times a day.

You get both the important news, and basic training in how to think. It is quite amazing.

The proof that this is the real deal is the fact that jews keep trying to get it shut down. It has gone through a dozen URL’s. (If it changes again, I will put the info in the comments.)

This very state of affairs indicates how dire things have become. It is not just that jews and their shabbos goys have so much power to begin with, but that there is no visible push-back from our leadership — not a peep of protest from our pastors, professors, or politicians. It is a serious concern that our people can be publicly bullied like this with the passive compliance not just of the robed leadership, but by implication, the army, navy and air force of the United States as well.

As in the book of Judges, this circumstance is destined to teach us that only God can rescue us from complete annihilation at the hands of these satanists. May He come quickly!

I think Andrew Anglin has Führer potential. It seems almost miraculous that he has been able, at such a young age, to cut through the thick smoke of semitic conditioning that surrounds our people from cradle to grave. He has not only done this in 1/3 the time it took me, but frankly my own thinking has been corrected by his insights a number of times, though I am three times his adult age.

Updated 2/3/18 —

Updated Jul 2022 —


The Jewish Rage Against Christmas

Posted by T on December 25, 2016
Judaica / 5 Comments

Who both killed the Lord Jesus, and their own prophets, and have persecuted us; and they please not God, and are contrary to all men: Forbidding us to speak to the Gentiles that they might be saved, to fill up their sins alway: for the wrath is come upon them to the uttermost. I Thess. 2:15f.

The jewish hatred of Jesus Christ has if anything increased since the generation of their ancestors that murdered Him. This is as it must be, as E. Michael Jones has so patiently explained: having rejected the Logos, they have nothing left but self-worship and revolution to live for. This makes them uniquely distinct from all the other nations of the world. The fact that most of them live as a nation within another nation, feigning enough conformity to get along, disguises this glaring distinction from the eyes of many.

Gresham’s Law of Days: Unholy days drive out holy days. Not a single Merry Christmas card to be found at this bookstore in Athens, Ga.

The jewish assault on Christmas can be examined from a number of angles. The replacement of the English and German carols with tunes — sometimes thumping, sometimes crooning — about reindeer, lust, and works righteousness. People scarcely noticed that after jewry’s operation succeeded, no day is holy any more. Without Jesus Christ, no day could be holy, no season could be, no life could be. Slowly, imperceptibly, the holy hush has been replaced with intolerable blared music, manger reenactments with impure flicks, flickering candles welcoming the newborn King with blinking neon lights inviting to a holiday sale. Worst of all, people wish one another “happy holiday” with the implied qualification “whatever,” as if that stupid tale about oil lamps is just as important, each to his own, as honoring God incarnate.

At this point I don’t want to get into the question of whether Christians should even have created Christmas as a holy day to begin with. You can take either side on that question while following the argument I am here pursuing, which is this: the jewish subversion of the nation’s celebration of Christmas, along with elevating their oil-lamp legend to one of equal validity, is evidence of a deeply depraved heart, even if the incarnation were factually false.

For that is undoubtedly their anticipated plea on the Judgment Day, right? “Lord, we couldn’t believe in Jesus Christ, because all of our leaders said it was idolatry to do so, based on the very texts you gave us in the Torah! You can’t hold us guilty!” (Arguing with God, reasoning with Him, is itself something jews take great pride in —  speaking, that is, of the minority of them that are not atheists.)

My argument is that their plea falls flat on its own terms. For the story of the Incarnation is the greatest story ever told, even if it were false. Think about it. The Creator of all men is angry with mankind, threatening eternal punishment because of their rebellion. But then, in an ineffable mysterious transaction, the eternal Son of God himself offers to bear their punishment in their stead, becoming incarnate and living amongst them. And in exchange for having their death sentences commuted, men have to do… nothing.

There are only two reasonable reflexes to this story: joy beyond words, or wistful sadness. I can fully understand someone being unable to believe this story “because it is just too wonderful to be true.” But to ridicule it, mock it, to drag His name through the mud like a common cuss word, to denigrate and subvert those that worship this fictitious character — this is the sign of a heart that has reached such depravity that it makes one shudder to think of it. No: there will be no plea on their behalf on the Judgment Day because of mere inability to believe. This hatred goes beyond the category of belief and unbelief.

Indeed, as someone once pointed out, their very hatred is one of the proofs that the story is in fact true. Hatred this personal, this visceral, has no other explanation.

Russians to the rescue?

Posted by T on December 19, 2016
Politics / 1 Comment

I seriously doubt that the departments of our regime known as the CIA and FBI actually can prove that “the Russians” were behind the hacks of the DNC. However, it doesn’t really bother me much one way or the other. Several points need to be made.

1. As if the CIA isn’t doing this kind of thing and much much more continuously. It’s pretty shameless to make a fuss about others doing what they do every day.

2. Except that our regime’s interference in other nations destroys truth and starts wars. In contrast, this alleged “interference” by Russia exposes the truth and reduces the chance of wars.

3. The FBI was skeptical about the CIA’s claim, until their leaders met and Comey came to understand that Russia would have a “motive” for doing it (see around the sixth paragraph here for example).  As if motive proves deed!

4. The fact that they constantly mention Putin as a metonymy for “the Russian government” is almost proof that they are lying. For, how could they possibly know this? It is all just playing into their demonization of Putin. They probably don’t think they can overturn our election. The goal, however, is to plants memes for gaining support for future aggression against Russia and her allies.

5. If there was real concern about foreign influence on American politics, the role of Israel would occupy the next ten years of public hearings, before it would even be worth mentioning pikers like Russia. Imagine if there were an ARPAC equivalent to AIPAC. Imagine if every candidate of both parties made an obligatory trek to Moscow, kneeling down to kiss the holy Patriarch’s ring. Imagine if every debate and every speech had to mention Russia’s main policy concerns and hasten to be more prompt than the next candidate to express eternal fealty. Imagine if anyone opposing such subservience was shouted down as an “anti-Slavite” and driven out of office.

6. At the end of the day, the Wikileaks reveal truth. And “the truth is never unwholesome” as Dabney said. Now, hacking into (((Diebold machines))) and changing votes would be very bad. But the idea that you “interfere in American politics” by revealing the truth is quite amazing when you think about it.

The Electoral College

Posted by T on November 14, 2016
Politics / No Comments

Venerators of one-man one-vote democracy have long groused about the Electoral College. They think the President should be elected by a strict tally of individuals. But the Electoral College is a remnant of the old world, and as such needs to be preserved against the modern attack on it. Indeed, it should be beefed up.

When democracy started to re-emerge in the Middle Ages centuries after the demise of Athens, the idea was that two classes of men — nobles and clergy — would meet amongst their own to approve — or not — measures proposed by the king. The estates were active throughout the duchies and principalities of the Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation, and the Emperor himself was elected. Later, a third “estate” — the townsmen — emerged in response to socio-economic developments. No estate could levy a tax on a different estate, nor could the king, without that estate’s cooperation. Similar developments took place in France and England. The United States were based on the model of people organized into, not estates, but states. This is what the Electoral College is all about.

One advantage is resisting regional domination. Suppose one candidate promises the westerners that he will create a water pipeline from the east to permanently solve their water problem. So nearly 100% of their population votes for that one, while the rest of the states are closely divided on this side or that, because other issues are more important to them. The Electoral College tends to minimize the imbalance: a modest but wide-spread majority will tend to overcome an overwhelming majority in one region. This remedy failed in the election of Lincoln with 40% of the popular vote, but that was due to the division of conservatives into three factions. No system is fail-safe.

Another reason why the Electoral College was sensible, nay absolutely necessary, can be illustrated very easily.

Many people think that before the 19th Amendment, women were not allowed to vote. This is not quite true. Before the 19th Amendment, each state could permit women to vote or not. Women voted in some states quite a while before the passage of the 19th Amendment. What the 19th Amendment did was say: you are not allowed to be a state unless you permit women to vote. That, and only that, is what the 19th Amendment accomplished.

Now imagine the situation before the 19th was passed, and let us suppose a populous state like New York allows women to vote, but the others do not. Instantly, there are twice as many eligible voters in New York than there were before. Yet the number of residents stays the same.

What the Electoral College does is quarantine each state, so that no matter how crazy they become internally, their overall effect on the vote is not exaggerated. The Electoral College prevents a competitive situation arising between states to expand their number of voters.

It might be thought that by making the qualifications for voting uniform nationally, this problem goes away. However, why should we want national uniformity of voting standards? The 26th amendment gave 18-year-olds the right to vote, based on a specious argument about the draft: if you can be forced to die for your country, you ought at least to be able to help choose those who can start wars. (But girls and pointy-heads were not drafted: if the reasoning were honest, it would have said instead, “anyone who has served in the military is eligible to vote.” Moreover, why does the Left think 18 year-olds are wise enough to choose a President, but cannot be trusted to buy beer?) Let such reasoning be confined to the sillier states — but without increasing their share of the total vote. A uniform standard doesn’t help anyway. A crazy place like California can invite millions of aliens in and let them vote. Dead people have been voting in Baltimore and Philadelphia for decades. We don’t want those deads and aliens canceling out our votes.

Of course, the Electoral College as currently defined is only a partial sandbag against California craziness — every ten years, a new census leads to a greater apportionment of delegates, even if they don’t vote. So the Electoral College as currently defined is not enough of a sandbag against unjust influence of the crazies. Here is my modest proposal for reforming it therefore. Let each state have exactly one vote in the Electoral College. That would be better.

The Californians scream, that’s not fair! look at all the people we have!


Murray Rothbard’s Magnum Defense of Free Markets

Posted by T on September 09, 2016
Economics, Ethics / 1 Comment

I met Rothbard at a von Mises conference in Las Vegas in the early 90’s. During the opening reception, he enthusiastically went around introducing himself to all the attendees — something I have never witnessed from keynote speakers at Christian conferences. He was ebullient, joyful, humorous; it was a pleasure to meet him. This wonderful guy wrote his tome Man, Economy and State (1962, info listed at end) to expound economic theory from the “action principle” of Austrian libertarianism. It is the gold standard for libertarian theory. Although weighing in at almost a thousand pages, most of the foundational ideas are broached in the first 160 pages, plus the last chapter, so it is not as daunting to get a good overview as it seems at first.

In reviewing his book, I pass by a number of quibbles. For example, he invokes the happiness principle: that in pursuance of which all human choices are made (p. 15). Though this notion has a long pedigree in the history of philosophy, it is an empty, purely formal concept, having no explanatory power, for it changes shape just as each individual is diposed to choose, and thus cannot be an explanation of the motive of choice itself.  Its strength is its weakness. Rothbard also asserts as key, the idea of the uncertainty of the future. “If a man knew future events completely, he would never act, since no act of his could change the situation” (p. 5). This seems patently false, for this known future includes his acts as part of its falling out; and those acts (read: choices) are no less real for being known in advance. For example, I could resolve to purchase a particular car at 10 AM tomorrow. That future is certain (so I believe). Yet it does not alter the sense I have of being free, both in making the resolution now, and in carrying it out tomorrow. Both of these ideas could be tightened up logically, I believe, and this is left as an exercise for the reader. But even tightened up, they cannot be foundational, as I will show.

In Chapter 2, “Direct Exchange,” (pp. 67ff.) slavery is rejected because it entails the threat of violence. At this point we can see that libertarianism has the same Achilles’ heel that all ethical systems based on pure reason suffer from, namely: how will the strong man be convinced (for example) not to enslave if he can get away with it? He mentions some pragmatic considerations that might lead the strongman not to enslave others — the threat of a slave revolt, or perpetual warfare. But such considerations have no weight with the man who thinks he could overcome them. It is interesting that Rothbard goes so far as to argue that even slavery voluntarily entered into would be wrong.

The argument that the slave might be an enthusiastic supporter of the system because of the food, etc., provided by his master ignores the fact that, in that case, violence and the threat of violence by the master would not be necessary (p. 69).

But later, Rothbard seems to allow violence in situations where immunity from it has been demerited; for example, he quotes Auberon Herbert favorably who writes

The sovereignty of the individual must remain intact, except where the individual coerced has aggressed upon the sovereignty of another unaggressive individual. (p. 159, italics added by me)

So, if the slave’s voluntary entering into this state entailed giving property rights in his labor to the master, then the latent threat of violence to enforce the ongoing relationship would seem to be naught but an instance of asserting defrauded rights.

Rothbard suddenly ends this section (p. 80) with the stipulation that while the subsequent analysis will simply assume the free-market (and slave-free) situation, he promises to return to the subject later. The final chapter does indeed take up the topic again, but now restricted to state coercion, not household slavery. So it should be noted that the status of household slavery as such remains an unredeemed debate debt.

A second major topic of interest is that of the origin of land property. Rothbard asserts that nature has no owner until a human arrives and mixes his labor with it for the first time (p. 147); immediately upon that happening, the “first user” has title to that land in perpetuity — even if he (or his “assigns”) subsequently allows the land to fall into disuse.

Suppose that he clears new land and therefore obtains title to it, but then finds that it is no longer useful in production and allows it to remain idle. In a free society, would he lose title? No, for once his labor is mixed with the natural resource, it remains his owned land. (pp. 147f.)

He would even apply this notion to fishing rights in bodies of water! (p. 150) However, he concedes that Columbus can’t just step foot on the New World and claim the entire continent for himself.

Columbus or Crusoe would have to use the land, to “cultivate” it in some way, before he could be asserted to own it. This “cultivation” does not have to involve tilling the soil, although that is one possible form of cultivation. If the natural resource is land, he may clear it for a house or a pasture, or care for some plots of timber, etc. If there is more land than can be used by a limited labor supply, then the unused land must simply remain unowned until a first user arrives on the scene. (p. 147)

The final chapter redeems his promise to take up the topic of violence again. I have already noted that he fails to pay up his lingering debt on the subject of private slavery. But leave that aside for now. A great merit of this chapter is the interesting thesis that the free market creates a situation where the happiness of every single person can but increase. This is because of the radical turn to subjectivity as the only measure of value. Absent coercion, everyone’s choice at each moment is for that which, subjectively defined, it is the best of all possible choices. If this is a form of utilitarianism, it has distinct qualities that should be held up clearly by way of contrast with Bentham and Mills and other historical expounders of utilitarianism:
1. There is no aggregate calculus — no finding the maximum of the happiness curve of the whole society (even in principle)
2. It proposes, not an increase in happiness of a mere majority, nor of an average, nor a weighted average, but literally of everyone. It is a norm where unanimity is insisted upon and achieved!
3. Consequently, any calculus that weighs the loss of (even just) one against the gain of (even all) others is ruled out from the outset.

I don’t know if ethicists have given this form of utilitarianism a name, or if they have even discovered it. I will call it distributed utilitarianism. The argument is not, that the free market maximizes some kind of aggregate sum of happiness, but that it alone grants increasing happiness without exception. People need to pause and acknowledge the genius of this proposal. It is, I think, quite unique in the history of humanistic ethics.

Having paused and acknowledged, however, we must now also add that utilitarianism still can only live on the borrowed capital derived from an ethic with a different foundation. This can be seen both foundationally and as to coherence. Foundationally, utilitarianism cannot provide an answer to the objector’s question, “why should I care about distributed utility in deciding what I should do, if I can gain even more utility violating it?” This is a generalization of the strongman’s question mentioned above.

But if this seems like too facile an objection, there is also a problem of inner coherence. The marginal increases of everyone’s happiness in making free exchanges is only sensible given the ethically legitimate status quo of property-right in the prior situation. The angry worker’s claim to increased happiness by seizing ownership of the factory is supposed to be refuted in distributed utilitarianism by the owner’s decrease in happiness at its loss. But this begs the question. What if the workers answer, “in a deeper sense, the factory actually belongs to us; it is not a loss to you any more than some factory on the other side of the world burning down is a loss to you. Your problem is psychological, not real.” In other words, the settlement of property must first be understood as righteous prior to the invocation of distributed utilitarianism. It in fact needs the prior de jure understanding of property, and needs to secure that the current distribution thereof is appropriate in terms of that de jure system.

Rothbard grounds the de jure principle of ownership in first use, as summarized above. My basic criticism of this view has three levels. First, it is arbitrary: that is, there is no reason to accept this as a de jure origin of land title (and by the way I can think of few examples from history where title was established in this way). But second, intuitively it seems to lead to patent injustices. It assumes a simple binary decision on use of the resource: it is either used or not used. But if one man claims 5 acres in the new world, and cultivates it thoroughly and efficiently, while another grabs 500 acres, scattering seeds helter skelter to “put in into cultivation,” is it fair that the second one ends up with 100 times the land? Rothbard suggests (p. 151) that subsequent economic trades would equalize such imbalances. Yes: but to the economic disadvantage of the responsible first-user of the five acres. Third, the very term title is smuggled in without definition or explanation. But this concept already presupposes a juridical settlement, with (for example) judges, county clerks, and so forth. Where do these come from on Rothbard’s view? In reality, how does it even make sense to assert your right to a plot of land, prior to the existence of an entire social order in terms of which that has meaning? Say you go down to Antarctica, and stake out your “square mile” where you “harvest” ice for a while. Then you go back home. Fifty years later, one of your descendants goes back to build his hut there, only to find someone else is squatting. Is it not laughable to suppose that he has “title” in perpetuity, because his ancestor fifty years ago harvested some ice?

I submit that the foundational holes in Rothbard’s libertarianism, revealed poignantly in the exposition of slavery and property rights, are consequent to the fact that his theory lacks a one-many correlation of the individual property-holders (the many) to the surrounding, upholding membership community (the one). Neither pole of this correlation can exist without the other. He needs to sneak an entire system of deeds, surveyors, boundary markers and magistrates in through the back door for his proposal to make the slightest bit of sense. He tries to defer this issue by claiming, without plausibility,“whether the enforcement is undertaken by each person or by some sort of agency, we assume here that such a condition — the existence of an unhampered market — is maintained in some way” (p. 152). There are little hints here and there that he wants to establish the order by voluntary social contract (e.g. point 3, p. 159, of the Herbert quote), but that theory has been exploded too many times to bear repetition in this already too-long review.

What these problems reveal is that methodological individualism is an impossible foundation. But once a foundation other than methodological individualism is introduced, grounding the one-many correlation, then neither the happiness principle nor the freedom-motif can any longer serve as absolutes.

Now Rothbard might protest here that I have set the bar too high: that the entire history of philosophy can be read from the perspective of a vain effort to find the one-and-many synthesis. Why should he be held to such a high standard? As if sensing his absent foundation, twenty years later Rothbard articulated Natural Law as the normative substrate for his theory. It would be too much of a digression to go into this theory in any depth right here, but here is a basic challenge: let all Natural Law theorists agree on and publish their “Ten Commandments.” It hasn’t been done, and cannot be done. Natural Law is either but a metonymy for law deduced by nude reason — in which case it is subject to the same defects I am highlighting here — or it thinks to deduce its laws empirically from Nature — in which case it has two problems: the naturalistic fallacy, and the fact the Nature herself presents opposites under any rubric of importance. Occasionally, a male mounts another male in the animal kingdom, for example.

In contrast, we do have an answer. The holy Trinity is eternally one-and-many, so that the creaturely structures can have ontological grounding as creaturely representations of the eternal. But, the cornerstone of a foundation being discovered at last, men do not then have the freedom to go off and build whatever system they want to. No, it must be consistent with the revelation of the triune God: including law and covenant. Ironically, the law of God provides (in just the nick of time!) a transcendent securing of property rights, seemingly to the succor of libertarianism, but at a cost: a system of covenantally interlocking authority structures. Slavery is not an absolute evil, according to the Bible. Thus, the freedom principle cannot be foundational. Likewise, happiness is not an absolute good — not for any single creature, and thus, a fortiori, not for the distributed totality.

Murray N. Rothbard. Man, Economy and State: A Treatise on Economic Principles (Los Angeles: Nash, 1970 [1962])


And now comes… a new onslaught of PCA racial overtures

Posted by T on June 16, 2016
Churchianity, Man's Religions, Politics / 3 Comments

The PCA is ready to repent of its sins again. It was almost ten years ago Continue reading…

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Book. Richard Maybury, World War 1.

Posted by T on May 29, 2016
Ethics, History, Politics / No Comments

This is an introduction to WW1 purporting to be written as a series of letters by Continue reading…

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Snapshots of Italy 1: the Traffic

Posted by T on May 10, 2016
Culture, Travel / 1 Comment

Imagine a bump car concession at the carnival. Only with these Continue reading…

America and the Sicilian Mafia

Posted by T on April 20, 2016
History, Politics / No Comments

Today is the 127th anniversary of Continue reading…


Trump: Are we about to be Souterized?

Posted by T on February 24, 2016
Politics / 3 Comments

Pretty much the whole Right Wing has lined up behind Trump, and I have Continue reading…

Dresden still on my mind

Posted by T on February 13, 2016
History / No Comments

Today is the 71st anniversary of the day the British napalmed Carnival-costumed children Continue reading…


Discussion on Kinism

Posted by T on October 25, 2015
Ethics / 7 Comments

Here I submitted to an interrogation by my Session on the subject of kinism Continue reading…

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Racial Reconciliation and the PCA

Posted by T on September 29, 2015
Churchianity, Documentary, Politics / 1 Comment

The PCA (Presbyterian Church in America) is all agitated for racial Continue reading…

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