Review of book “What’s ax murder, anyway?” (bio. info at end). Continue reading…
Book review
This is an introduction to WW1 purporting to be written as a series of letters by Continue reading…
Ken Ham says “there is really only one race — the human race Continue reading…
George Macaulay Trevelyan’s narration of the life of Garibaldi Continue reading…
One great feature of this book is its brevity: in a sitting or two, you finish it, Continue reading…
Ezra Pound is credited with defining and promulgating Continue reading…
Continuing the review of Ken Ham’s screed. On p. 93, Continue reading…
being a review of David Ray Griffin: Christian Faith and the Truth Behind 9/11 Continue reading…
The book of this title is by Steven Boguslawski (see biblio. info at end of this post). From the title, one might expect a book full of “quotes on jews,” but actually, it is a theological Continue reading…
In the previous installment, I endeavored to show that the Mulatto Model for Continue reading…
One Blood, a book by Ken Ham, C. Wieland, and D. Batten (see detail at bottom) is a creationist attack against “racism.” Continue reading…
This book (see biblio info at bottom) is an introduction to “media ecology” by Continue reading…
His book Respectable Sins starts off with a few orientation chapters, the burden of which is to show: You are already a saint Continue reading…
This essay by Gottlob Frege (1848-1925) was published in 1892 in the journal Continue reading…
Today, for the remembrance of the 63rd anniversary Continue reading…