You can order this documentary from Netflix or even watch it free online by doing a google search. Continue reading…
Click on the links for a discussion of the war on the Eastern Front. This was Continue reading…
This year’s Dresden Memorial Day reflection will be Continue reading…
This is a depiction of the July 1944 plot led by Claus von Stauffenberg (Tom Cruise) to Continue reading…
This is an important documentary for two reasons: it is one of the first “holocaust Continue reading…
Today, for the remembrance of the 63rd anniversary Continue reading…
Today is the 64th anniversary of the Allied fire-bombing of Hamburg known as Operation Gomorrah. The British part, which deliberately targeted civilians, actually involved four night-time attacks beginning the nights of 7/24, 7/25, 7/27, and 8/2 of 1943. (There were supplemental American attacks by day that aimed at military targets.) Thus, this night is actually the anniversary of the third night of bombing; but that was the one that created the fire-storm that killed tens of thousands in horror- Continue reading…
Not to be confused with another movie with the same title, this is a documentary about the Battle of Stalingrad which was fought between the German and Soviet armies during the fall and winter of 1942-43. Before making a few comments, a little background about the battle may be helpful. Continue reading…
Another holocaust film, this one a heavily fictionalized story of SS officer Continue reading…
Just about every day is the anniversary of one Allied atrocity or another. I only mention this one because Continue reading…
Speaking of Dresden… today is the 62nd year anniversary of its destruction Continue reading…
About the WW2 battle of Stalingrad, Russia Continue reading…